Reported by Deirdre Kostick/Bellcore

Minutes of the SNA NAU Services MIB Working Group (SNANAU)

The SNANAU Working Group met on November 3, 1993 to review the revised

New State Model for SNA Nodes

The working group identified a ``state'' model for SNA Nodes to clarify
how objects proposed in the snaNodeAdminTable and snaNodeOperTable would
be used to control SNA nodes.  Dr. SNMP (Jeff Case) gave some greatly
appreciated guidance.  Diagrams 1 and 2 (attached at the end of the
notes) summarize the new model and usage of RowStatus, OperStatus and

The current draft of the SNA NAU MIB shall be updated to reflect this

Other MIB Revisions

The working group agreed to make several changes.

   o Delete the snaPu20AdminTable since there is only one object
     currently in the table, add maxPiu object to snaNodeAdminTable

   o Change the max size of snaNodeAdminName to 17

   o Change the enumerated list for snaNodeAdminType as follows:  pu21 -->
     t21len add (5) end node (6) network node don't add pu4, pu5 yet

   o Change snaNodeAdminId to snaNodeAdminNum and syntax to
     DISPLAYSTRING with max size=3

   o Change snaNodeAdminBlockId to DISPLAYSTRING

   o Change snaNodeAdminActivationMethod to EnablingMethod

   o Add LuTermMethod to snaLu tables to allow a different method for a
     specific LU

   o Clarify snaNodeEnablingMethod and add byMSonly(4) if necessary

   o Add snaNodeAdmin(Oper)HostDescription to identify a remote host for
     a PU

   o Bill Kwan to investigate whether we have sufficient info for XID
     for t2.1

Follow-up Review

The working group still needs to complete the detailed review of the
remaining tables.  Definitions need to be cleaned-up.  During the
meeting, the working group did not have time to review comments on the
Session, Link, LU tables, etc.

Working Group members are encouraged to make comments on the mailing
list preferably with detailed additions, wording, changes, etc.

A conference call will be scheduled (November 8) to continue the MIB
review.  Results of the call will be posted to the mailing list.

The group has a December deadline to complete the MIB work.  There is
still a lot of work to do to make this date.

Conformance/Compliance Statements

Zbigniew Kielczewski handed out a proposed first cut at
conformance/compliance statements.  These will be updated and posted to
the list.

Future SNA MIB Work

Additional SNA MIB work in 1994 may be approved by the Network
Management Area Director, if and only if, the current SNA NAU MIB is
completed on schedule---by December, 1993.

The candidate work item for 1994 is to develop APPC-related management

Work to identify APPN-related management objects could be pursued in
parallel, for example, by the AIW.

Next Version

The next version of the MIB will be posted to the mailing list by
November 12.  Zbigniew, Kitty, Robin, and Deirdre volunteered to assist
with editing.

Diagram 1:  Node State Model

                        |              |
                        | DOES NOT     |
                        | EXIST        |
                        |              |
                               | ^
                       create  | |delete
                               V |
                        |              |
                        | INACTIVE     |
                        |              |<---------------|
                        |              |                |
                        ----------------                |
                                | ^                     |
                    activate    | |                     |
                                V |                     |
                         ----------------               |
                         |              |               |
                 --------| WAITING      |               |
                |        |              |               |
                |        |              |               |
                |        ---------------                |
                |               | ^                     |
                |               | |                     |
                |               V |                     |
                |        ----------------               |
                |        |              |               |
                |        | ACTIVE       |               |
                |        |              |               |
                |        |              |               |
                |        ---------------                |
                |               | graceful stop or      |
                |               | stop force            |
                |               V                       |
                |        ----------------               |
                |        |              |               |
                -------->| STOPPING     |---------------|
                         |              |
                         |              |

Diagram 2:  Using the Proposed snaNodeAdmin and snaNodeOper Tables

        | To create a row  | inactive     | agent automatically    |
        |  representing a  |              |creates a corresponding |
        |  node instance,  |              |     entry in the       |
        |  set RowStatus   |              | snaNodeOperTable with  |
        |     active       |To activate   |     agent changes      |
        |                  |node, set     |  node's OperStatus=    |
        |                  |AdminStatus   |       waiting          |
        |     active       |   active     |   node changes to      |
        |     active       |to stop node, |stopping or inactive    |
        |                  |set Shutdown  |depending on Shutdown   |
        |                  |Method to     |        Method          |
        |                  |appropriate   |                        |
        |                  | value &      |                        |
        |                  |AdminStatus   |                        |
        |     invalid      | inactive     |      inactive          |


  1. To delete a row, OperStatus and AdminStatus must both be =
     inactive.  Row deletion can be NMS or agent initiated:

     (a) The NMS sets RowStatus=invalid, or

     (b) The agent detects that a row is in the ``under creation'' state
         for greater that some default period, e.g., 5mins

     (c) After reboot, the row with RowStatus=inactive will not be
         included in the table

  2. A new object, shutdownMethod, is needed.  shutdownMethod should be
     a R/W object with the following values:

     (a) Graceful
     (b) Forced
     (c) Rol - request on line?
     (d) Other

     The value of shutdownMethod is only valid for the instance that the
     ``inactive'' button is pushed.


Michael Allen  
Jeff Case      
Cleve Graves   
Jeff Hilgeman  
Zbigniew Kielczewski
Deirdre Kostick
William Kwan   
Shannon Nix    
David Perkins  
Eddie Renoux   
Kitty Shih     
Mauro Zallocco