IPv6 Preferred Address Format

Yakov Rekhter
T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.
(e-mail: yakov@watson.ibm.com)

Foil 1.


    - Need a routable system that can support a very large
      number of hosts

    - Use information aggregation (abstraction) for scalable

    - Hierarchical routing

    - Addresses congruent to topology:

      - address assignment as a function of topology


      - topology as a function of address assignment

Foil 2.

  Overall Format Structure:

    |        Format Prefix          |
    | Registry Identifier Component |
    |  Registry-Specific Component  |
    |  Provider-Specific Component  |
    | Subscriber-Specific Component |

  Each component is a variable length field

    - suggested ranges

Foil 3.

  Registry Identifier

    - Internet Registry (IR) as the principal registry

      - IANA as the IR

    - Blocks of addresses given to the Regional Registries

      - Registry Identifier identifies individual blocks

Foil 4.

  Registry-Specific Component

    - Identifies address blocks allocated by the Regional Registries

    - Suggested range between 1 and 3 octets

      - accommodate a wide range of demands for address blocks

      - leave between 12 and 14 octets for Provider-Specific
        component and Subscriber-Specific component

Foil 5.

  Provider-Specific Component

    - Identifies address blocks allocated by Providers

    - Suggested range between 1 and 4 octets

      - accommodate a wide range of demands for address blocks

      - leave between 8 and 13 octets for the Subscriber-Specific

Foil 6.

  Subscriber-Specific Component

    - Up to individual subscribers

    - Recommend to leave at least 7 octets

      - Alternatives suggested by the document leave 8 to 13 octets

Foil 7.

  Provider-Independent Addresses

    - Each Registry has a block of addresses for provider-independent
      address allocation

    - Use of provider-independent addresses has negative impact on
      the scalability of the routing system

      - don't reflect topology

Foil 8.

  National Registries

    - Regional Registries allocate to National Registries

    - Optional

    - Assumes relatively small number of National Registries