Streamlining Procurement Through Electronic Commerce Electronic Commerce Acquisition Team (ECAT) May 1994 ======== Streamlining Procurement through Electronic Commerce o By March 1994, define the architecture for the Government-wide EC acquisition system. o By September 1994, establish an initial EC capability o By July 1995, implement a full scale Federal EC system; and o By January 1997, complete Government-wide implementation of EC for appropriate Federal purchases ======== Charter for ECAT o Mission was to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing an initial EC procurement capability o 120-day detail o Co-chairs from GSA and DoD o Approximately 50 interdisciplinary, interdepartmental staff members from finance, acquisition, and IRM fields o Focus was on commodities less than $25,000.00 ======== ECAT Focus Areas o Acquisition requirements o Vendor registration o Implementation conventions o Value added networks (VANs) o Finance linkages o Technical architecture o Implementation projects ======== Business Requirements o Single face o Vendor registration o Regulatory changes o Posting of solicitation o Small purchase commodities o Other purchases and functional areas o Send minimum data o Common data bases - Registration - Master solicitation provisions - Master Government contracts - Vendor catalogs - Past performance o Agency systems - Review current processes - Improvements o Policy issues o Outreach and training ======== ECAT Results and Plans o Results - Draft "Streamlining Procurement through EC," April 29, 1994 - Draft implementation conventions - Identified additional projects and lead Agencies necessary to attain full scale EC o Agency briefings o Plans - Continue briefings - Commerce Program Management Office (PMO) operations Facilitate implementation and lead Agency actions Review, refer, and assist Agency implementation efforts ======== Target Electronic Commerce Architecture Government Procurement/Financial EDI & Related Applications (see edi.houser.figure1.gif) ======== Implementing the Virtual Network o Connectivity o Standards-based interfaces o Help desk o Audit and security o Data base accessibility o Technical assistance o Directory services o Addressing ======== Implementing EDI o Software and/or hardware to translate between internal format(s) and the standard o Trading partner agreements - Who/when to exchange data - What data to exchange - Format of data o Capability to communicate with trading partners - Direct connection - Through a third party (value-added network or VAN) o Integrating EDI into internal systems and procedures ======== Identify EDI Translation Software Requirements o EDI translation software converts data between your Agency application system and the ASC X12 EDI format o A wide variety of translation software is commercially available o Translation software is available that operates on: mainframes, minis, and PCs utilizing a variety of operating systems o The features/capabilities of translation software vary tremendously and selecting the correct one for your Agency should be carefully considered o Translation software usually requires application programs to extract data from your application and place it in a flat-line format for conversion to X12 format (and vice versa) ======== Establish Telecommunication Strategy o Telecommunications will get data from your translator(s) to your VAN o Determine your path of choice: Internet, DoD Network, FTS, others o Consider alternatives of Gateways, agency alliances, etc. ======== EDI Standards Organizations o The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 consists of individuals and representatives of all types of organizations, including commercial and Government. Activities of X12 include: - Develop and maintain EDI standards for common usage - Provide education and information regarding the use of EDI o The Secretariat for ASC X12 is the: Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) 1800 Diagonal Road Suite 355 Alexandria, VA 22314-2852 (703) 548-7005 ======== Selected Examples of ASC X12 Transaction Sets - Phase 1 o Registration - 838 - Registration - 838 - Confirmation of registration o Purchasing - 840 - Request for quotation - 843 - Response to request for quotation - 850 - Purchase order o Finance - 810 - Invoice - 820 - Payment order/remittance advice o Control - 997 - Functional acknowledgement ======== Selected Examples of ASC X12 Transaction Sets - Phase II o Contract Management - 836 - Notice of award o Purchasing - 855 - Purchase order acknowledgement - 860 - Purchase order change (buyer initiated) - 865 - Purchase order change acknowledgement/change request (seller initiated) ======== Selected Examples of ASC X12 Transaction Sets - Phase III o Engineering - 841 - Specifications/technical information o Purchasing - 832 - Price/sales catalog o Contract management - 869 - Order status inquiry - 870 - Order status report o Safety - 848 - Material safety data sheet o Transportation - 856 - Ship notice/manifest ======== Selected Examples of ASC X12 Transaction Sets - Potential Use o Management - 806 - Project schedule reporting - 839 - Project cost reporting - 864 - Text message o Quality - 842 - Non-conformance report - 863 - Test results o Transportation - 861 - Receiving advice - 858 - Shipment information ======== Trading Partner Registration (see edi.houser.figure2.gif) ======== "Single Face" Registration Recommendations o Register once - One place of registration - Collect and share like information o One trading partner agreement - Rules of electronic commerce - Electronic agreement o One vendor identification code - Widely used - Vendor obtained from a single source - No cost ======== Vendor Registration (see edi.houser.figure3.gif) ======== Communications Federal Electronic Commerce Acquisition Team Skyline 2, Suite 400 5113 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, Virginia 22041 Tel: (703) 681-0364 Fax: (703) 681-0362 Electronic mail can be sent to the ECAT at: <>