The User Services Area of the IETF

Presented by Joyce K. Reynolds/Information Sciences Institute

Biography:  Joyce K. Reynolds has been affiliated with USC/Information
Sciences Institute since 1979.  Ms.  Reynolds has contributed to the
development of the DARPA Experimental Multimedia Mail System, the Post
Office Protocol, the Telnet protocol, and the Telnet Option
specifications.  She helped update the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Ms.
Reynolds is an Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) member of the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). She established a new
informational series of notes for the Internet community:  FYI (For Your
Information) RFCs.  FYI RFCs are documents useful to network users.
Their purpose is to make available general and useful information with
broad applicability.  Ms.  Reynolds received Bachelor of Arts and Master
of Arts degrees in the Social Sciences from the University of Southern
California (USC).

This presentation will discuss the role of the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF), and its User Services Area in the development of user
services for Internet information providers.  It will review the current
effort of ten active working groups, their future plans and objectives.
The FYI (For Your Information) RFC (Request for Comments) document
series will also be discussed.