Operational Statistics (opstat) ------------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Henry Clark <hclark@nic.near.net> J. Nevil Brownlee <n.brownlee@auckland.ac.nz> Operational Requirements Area Director(s): Scott Bradner <sob@harvard.edu> Michael O'Dell <mo@uunet.uu.net> Mailing lists: General Discussion:oswg-l@wugate.wustl.edu To Subscribe: oswg-l-request@wugate.wustl.edu Archive: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/doc/mailing-lists/oswg-l Description of Working Group: Today there exists a variety of network management tools for the collection and presentation of network statistical data. Different kinds of measurements and presentation techniques make it hard to compare data between networks. There exists a need to compare these statistical data on a uniform basis to facilitate cooperative management, ease problem isolation and network planning. The working group will try to define a model for network statistics, a minimal set of common metrics, tools for gathering statistical data, a common statistical database storage format and common presentation formats. Collecting tools will store data in a given format later to be retrieved by presentation tools displaying the data in a predefined way. Goals and Milestones: Done Agreement on a model. Done Survey for most useful and popular metrics. Done Survey for most useful and popular presentation formats. Done Identify similar efforts being performed by other groups. Done Define a common minimal set of metrics. Done Propose a MIB for metrics not already there. Done Define a common storage format to facilitate data sharing. Done Define common presentation formats to make data comparable. Done Develop outline, and make writing assignments for paper (Opstat1) documenting March 1991 milestones. Done Complete paper Opstat1. Done Possible mid-term meeting to review Opstat1. Done Submit Opstat1 as Internet-Draft. Done Approve paper Opstat1 for submission as RFC; decide standards-track or Informational? Done Define a new collection of tools based on defined metrics, defined storage formats and defined presentation formats. Done Propose old tools to be retrofitted. Done Develop outline and make writing assignments for paper (Opstat2) on new tools and retrofitted tools. Done Submit Internet-Draft of new and retrofitted tools. Done Submit new and old tools Internet-Draft to IESG as an Informational RFC. Done Post an Internet-Draft defining the client/Server Opstat protcool. Mar 93 Post the Opstat Statistical MIB as an Internet-Draft. Jul 93 Submit the Client/Server Opstat Protocol to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Jul 93 Submit the Statistical Opstat MIB to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title <Filename> ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Oct 94 May 95 <draft-ietf-opstat-client-server-03.txt> The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval Feb 95 New <draft-ietf-opstat-oper-model-00.txt> A Model for Common Operational Statistics Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1404 I Jan 93 A Model for Common Operational Statistics