TCP Large Windows (tcplw) ------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): David Borman <> Transport Area Director(s): Allison Mankin <> Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The TCP Large Windows Working Group is chartered to produce a specification for the use of TCP on high-delay, high-bandwidth paths. To this end, this working group recommended ``TCP extensions for long-delay paths'' (RFC 1072), and ``TCP Extension for High-Speed Paths'' (RFC 1185) be published jointly as a Proposed Standard. Deficiencies in the technical details of the documents were identified by the End-to-End Research Group of the IRTF. Rather than progress the standard with known deficiencies, the IESG tasked the End-to-End Research Group to fix and merge these two documents into a single protocol specification document. This review was done on the mailing list. The TCP Large Windows Working Group is being resurrected for a one time meeting, to review and if appropriate, approve this new document. Goals and Milestones: Done Review the TCP Extended Window Size proposal from the IRSG End to End Research Group and if acceptable, recommend it for Standards status. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1323 PS May 92 TCP Extensions for High Performance