Agenda of the Thirty-Third IETF

                        (17-21 July 1995)

MONDAY, 17 July 1995

0800-0900   IETF Registration and Morning Coffee
0900-0930   Introductions
0930-1130   Morning Sessions

            APP     receipt    Receipt Notifications for Internet Mail BOF
            INT     svrloc     Service Location Protocol WG
            INT     dnsind     DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update WG
            MGT     hubmib     IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB WG
            OPS     bmwg       Benchmarking Methodology WG
            USV     isn        Internet School Networking WG

1300-1500   Afternoon Sessions I

            APP     http       HyperText Transfer Protocol WG
            INT     msgway     MessageWay WG
            IPNG    ipngwg     IPNG WG
            MGT     rmonmib    Remote Network Monitoring WG
            SEC     ssl        Secure Socket Layer BOF
            TSV     mmusic     Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG
            USV     uswg       User Services Working Group WG

1500-1530   Break (Refreshments provided)
1530-1730   Afternoon Sessions II

            APP     html       HyperText Markup Language WG
            GEN     poised95   POISED '95 BOF
            MGT     entmib     Entity MIB BOF
            OPS     cidrd      CIDR Deployment WG
            OPS     opstat     Operational Statistics WG
            USV     run        Responsible Use of the Network WG

TUESDAY, 18 July 1995

0830-0900   Morning Coffee
0900-1130   Morning Sessions

            APP     uri        Uniform Resource Identifiers WG
            IPNG    ipngwg     IPNG WG
            MGT     isdnmib    ISDN MIB WG
            RTG     idr        Inter-Domain Routing WG
            RTG     mobileip   IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG
            SEC     wts        Web Transaction Security WG
            TSV     mmusic     Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG
            TSV     avt        Audio/Video Transport WG

1300-1500   Afternoon Sessions I

            APP     mixer      MIME - X.400 Gateway WG
            IPNG    ngtrans    Next Generation Transition WG
            MGT     atommib    AToM MIB WG
            OPS     rps        Routing Policy System WG
            RTG     mobileip   IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG
            SEC     ispp       Internet Secure Payments Protocol BOF
            TSV     rsvp       Resource Reservation Setup Protocol WG
            USV     userglos   Internet User Glossary WG

1500-1530   Break (Refreshments provided)
1530-1730   Afternoon Sessions II

            APP    asid       Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories WG
            INT    pppext     Point-to-Point Protocol Extension WG
            IPNG   ipngwg     IPNG WG
            MGT    rmonmib    Remote Network Monitoring WG
            RTG    idmr       Inter-Domain Multicast Routing WG
            SEC    aft        Authenticated Firewall Traversal WG

1930-2200   Evening Sessions

            APP     mimereg    Mime Registration BOF
            GEN     afic       ATM Forum/IETF Cooperation BOF
            MGT     ifmib      Interfaces MIB WG
            OPS     grip       Guidelines and Recommendations for Security
                               Incident Processing WG
            SEC     ispp       Internet Secure Payments Protocol BOF
            TSV     intservt   Integrated Services Test BOF

WEDNESDAY, 19 July 1995

0800-0900   Working Group Workshop
0830-0900   Morning Coffee
0900-1130   Morning Sessions

            APP     ids        Integrated Directory Services WG
            IPNG    addrconf   Address Autoconfiguration WG
            MGT     trunkmib   DS1/DS3 MIB WG
            OPS     rps        Routing Policy System WG
            RTG     rolc       Routing over Large Clouds WG
            SEC     ipsec      IP Security Protocol WG
            SEC     ssh        Site Security Handbook WG

1300-1500   Afternoon Sessions I

            APP     drums      Detailed Revision/Update of message standards WG
            IPNG    ioh        Internet and OSI Harmonisation BOF
            MGT     atommib    AToM MIB WG
            RTG     idmr       Inter-Domain Multicast Routing WG
            RTG     nimrod     New Internet Routing and Addressing
                               Architecture WG
            SEC     cat        Common Authentication Technology WG
            USV     trainmat   Network Training Materials WG

1500-1530   Break (Refreshments provided)
1530-1730   Afternoon Sessions II

            MGT     nmarea     Network Management Area:  Open Meeting
            OPS     rwhois     RWhois Operational Development WG
            SEC     skip       Simple Key Management for IP BOF
            TSV     rfc1006    RFC1006bis/ISO TP over IPv6 BOF
            TSV     rsvp       Resource Reservation Setup Protocol WG
            USV     rtl        Read the Label BOF

1930-2200   Evening Sessions

            APP     mimesgml   MIME Content-Type for SGML Documents WG
            GEN     iab        Internet Architecture Board
            MGT     isdnmib    ISDN MIB WG
            RTG     mobileip   IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts WG
            MGT     hubmib     IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB WG
            OPS     grip       Guidelines and Recommendations for Security

THURSDAY, 20 July 1995

0830-0900   Morning Coffee
0900-1130   Morning Sessions

            GEN     poised95   POISED '95 BOF
            MGT     rmonmib    Remote Network Monitoring WG
            RTG     nimrod     New Internet Routing and Addressing
                               Architecture WG
            SEC     cat        Common Authentication Technology WG
            SEC     ssh        Site Security Handbook WG
            TSV     intserv    Integrated Services WG

1300-1500   Afternoon Sessions I

            INT    ipatm      IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode WG
            IPNG   ipngwg     IPNG WG
            MGT    ifmib      Interfaces MIB WG
            SEC    saag       Security Area Advisory Group
            TSV    intserv    Integrated Services WG

1500-1530   Break (Refreshments provided)
1530-1630   Technical Presentations

               o  IP Address Allocation (Steve Deering/Xerox PARC, Peter
                  Ford/MCI, Elise Gerich/Merit and Lixia Zhang/Xerox)

1630-1830   Open Plenary and IESG

FRIDAY, 21 July 1995

0830-0900   Morning Coffee
0900-1130   Technical Presentations

               o  Dynamic Transfer Mode (Bjorn Pehrson/KTH)
               o  Internet Secure Payments (Amir Herzberg/IBM,
                  Wenbo Mao/Hewlett-Packard, Cliff Neuman/ISI
                  and Einar Stefferud/First Virtual Holdings)

Key to Abbreviations

  APP   Applications             Harald Alvestrand/UNINETT and
                                 John Klensin/MCI
  GEN   General Interest
  INT   Internet                 Frank Kastenholz/FTP Software and
                                 Susan Thomson/Bellcore
  IPNG  IP: Next Generation      Scott Bradner/Harvard and
                                 Allison Mankin/ISI
  MGT   Network Management       Deirdre Kostick/AT&T
  OPS   Operational Requirements Scott Bradner/Harvard and
                                 Michael O'Dell/UUNET Technologies
  RTG   Routing                  Joel Halpern/Newbridge Networks
  SEC   Security                 Jeff Schiller/MIT
  TSV   Transport                Allison Mankin/ISI
  USV   User Services            Joyce K. Reynolds/ISI