Is There An Internet Architecture? Many say there is only a tradition, it was not written down for 20 years, or at least not by the IAB, but... o the goal is connectivity, o the tool is the Internet Protocol, and o the intelligence is end-to-end. ======== Connectivity Is Its Own Reward o Email and the Internet snowball o Connectivity is more than email, more than the Web o Cooperation between network providers o Be liberal... ======== IP Over Everything o Interconnection of networks (overlay) o IP and new technologies o Unique addresses (Internet addresses) o One main networking protocol ======== The End-to-End Argument o Avoid states and fate-sharing o Datagrams are better than virtual circuits o You shall not trust networks o Networks should do routing o Avoid rigidity in the network o Error control, security, deployment from fringes Saltzer, J. H., D. P. Reed, and D. Clark, "End-to-End Arguments in System Design," ACM Transactions on Computers Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, Pages 277-288. ======== Developing The Internet Architecture o Nobody owns the Internet o Nobody can turn it off o There is no centralized control o (Not even DARPA) o Rough consensus and running code o Feedback from implementation from architecture to engineering...