Process for Organization of Internet Standards 95 (poised95)
 Current status: active working group
     Karl Auerbach <>
     Erik Huizer <>
     Bernhard Stockman <>
 None Director(s): 
     Paul Mockapetris  <>
 Area Advisor
     Paul Mockapetris  <>
 Mailing lists: 
     To Subscribe:
Description of Working Group:
The POISED95 Working Group is a focused effort to resolve some
long-standing issues of the standards process and IETF procedure:

o The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) section of RFC 1602 is widely
  seen as inoperative, because it demands guarantees and procedures
  when licensing technologies that few, if any, donors will accept.

o The procedures of the NOMCOM, or Nominating Committee, have been
  quite informal and different with every NOMCOM.  They need to be codified.

o Standards procedure documented in RFC 1602 needs to be restated to
  reflect reality and to remove obsolete provisions.

o The ISOC has proposed creating a link between the IETF and ISOC, and
  has even created a committee to study the issue. The IETF needs a
  corresponding effort.

o Other issues as appropriate.

As befits an international organization, POISED95 will meet in
Stockholm and Dallas to try and gauge a rough consensus on these issues
and develop guidelines and drafts for the appropriate documents.

 Goals and Milestones: 
   Jul 95 Meet at Stockholm IETF.                                              

   Dec 95 Meet at Dallas IETF.                                                 

   Feb 96 Submit Internet-Draft.                                               


Posted Revised       I-D Title  <Filename>
------ ------- ------------------------------------------
 Sep 95 Oct 95  <draft-ietf-poised95-std-proc-3-01.txt> 
                The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3                   
 Sep 95 New     <draft-ietf-poised95-nomcom-00.txt> 
                IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process:  
                Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees              

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.