G and R for Security Incident Processing (grip)
 Current status: active working group
     Barbara Fraser <byf@cert.org>
     K.P. Kossakowski <kpk@cert.dfn.de>
     Louis Mamakos <louie@uu.net>
 Operational Requirements Area Director(s): 
     Scott Bradner  <sob@harvard.edu>
     Michael O'Dell  <mo@uunet.uu.net>
 Area Advisor
     Mike O'Dell  <mo@uunet.uu.net>
 Mailing lists: 
     General Discussion:grip-wg@uu.net
     To Subscribe:      grip-wg-request@uu.net
Description of Working Group:
The full name of this working group is Guidelines and Recommendations
for Security Incident Processing.

This working group is co-chartered by the Security Area.

The purpose of the GRIP Working Group is to provide guidelines and 
recommendations to facilitate the consistent handling of security 
incidents in the Internet community. Guidelines will address technology 
vendors, network service providers, response teams in their roles 
assisting organizations in resolving security incidents. These 
relationships are functional and can exist within and across 
organizational boundaries.

The working group will produce two quality documents:

1) Guidelines for security incident response teams.

2) Guidelines for vendors (this will include both technology producers
   and network service providers).

 Goals and Milestones: 
   Feb 95 Produce document describing problem statement and document 
          taxonomy/vocabulary. Also cite the Site Security Handbook documents 
          to make clear the relationship and scope between the two working 
          groups and documents.                                                

   Feb 95 Produce draft outline for remainder of Response Team Document.       

     Done Meet at Danvers IETF to review full Internet-Draft of Response Team 

   Jun 95 Produce final version of Response Team Internet-Draft.               

   Jun 95 Produce Internet-Draft on Guidelines for vendors.                    

     Done Meet at Stockholm IETF. Review vendor Guideline Internet-Draft.      

   Sep 95 Produce final version of Vendor Guideline Internet-Draft. Submit to 
          IESG for review.                                                     


Posted Revised       I-D Title  <Filename>
------ ------- ------------------------------------------
 Sep 95 New     <draft-ietf-grip-framework-irt-00.txt> 
                Framework for Security Incident Response                       

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.