FV Slides used in ISPP BOF and in Friday Plenary 
  presentations at Stckholm IETF, July, 1995

Internet Information Commerce: The First Virtual (TM) Approach

        Einar Stefferud & Nathaniel Borenstein
        First Virtual Holdings Incorporated
        <nsb@fv.com>, <stef@fv.com>


What should a commerce mechanism guarantee? 

 Credit card guarantee for physical goods: 
        Merchant gets paid, OR gets back goods 
        Statistically, merchant usually gets paid.

 Information merchants never  need returns. 
        So, the statistical guarantee is everything! 


The Account Application Process

 Buyer fills out application form via Telnet, Web, EMail, etc. 

 Includes all non-sensitive information:
        Name, EMail address, Postal Address, phone, etc.
        Account-ID choice, Optional settings

 FV sends "almost ready" message Includes 12-digit application-id 


Activation of the Account

 To activate account for BUYING:
        Call 1-800-*** with app-id and CC#
        $2 charge on credit card
 Future purchases charged to Credit Card

 To activate account for SELLING: 
        Send a $10 check to PO Box ****
        Sales Proceeds are Direct Deposited

 EMail Notification when ready to use.


The Transaction Process

 Seller receives order (Web, FTP, EMail) 
 May validate account (real-time or EMail)
 If seller honors the order:
        Information sent to buyer
        Transaction record sent to First Virtual 
        FV sends "transfer token" to buyer via e-mail
 Buyer replies with 1 word:
        "YES":          payment is authorized.
        "NO":           payment is declined.
        "FRAUD":        cancel account.


Seller bears risk of non-payment

        No funds transferred without "YES"
        "NO" and "FRAUD" = "No-Sale"

Buyers who say "NO" too often are suspended 


The FV Message

        Security ~ Cryptography

        Cryptography is one tool among many.


FV & Cryptography

 FV Security
        EMail closed loop confirmation
        Sniffing is relatively harmless
        EMail account compromise problem

 Crypto Security
        Digital Signature authentication
        Encryption prevents sniffing
        Key Compromise is a problem


A Better Solution

        Combine the two!

        EMail Loop  +  Crypto >  Either alone



 A MIME Type for Money

        FV Application/green-commerce
        Eastlake/Cybercash Proposal
        Generalized ISPP WG Result

Generalized MIME Crypto 


A Simple Example

To: sgcs@card.com
Content-type: application/green-commerce;  transaction=transfer-request
BUYER: Joe Is a cool dude
AMOUNT: 19.99
TRANSFER-ID: <CR42@somewhere.com>
DESCRIPTION: Purchase of used stock quotes

        We gave you lots of useful stock quotes 
        and tips that may have helped you in your 
        investments, and it isn't our fault if a
        grand jury is interested in you!




Three FV Internet Drafts
        draft-stein-green-commerce-model-00.txt, .ps
        draft-borenstein-agc-spec-00.txt, .ps
        draft-rose-smxp-spec-00.txt, .ps

MOSS:   draft-ietf-pem-mime-08.txt